You’ll Have to Replace Your $160 AirPods Every Few Years

  • February 21, 2019

AirPods are one of Apple’s most beloved new products. But, if you love them so much that you use them every day, expect the irreplaceable batteries to only last a few years at most.

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AirPods have been on the market for a little over two years now. Throughout the last few months, we’ve been seeing more and more complaints of battery life issues with AirPods—mostly from users who’ve been using theirs for hours on end every day. With that much use, battery life will degrade in a matter of a couple of years. Unfortunately, that just means you’ll be throwing out your AirPods and buying a new pair.

Discarding your AirPods may sound extreme, but the batteries in the earpieces and the charging case cannot be replaced. Once your AirPods can no longer hold a significant charge, into the garbage they go.

AirPods Weren’t Designed to Be Repaired


First off, the reason that you can’t just replace the batteries in these things is that AirPods weren’t designed to be repaired in the first place. And no, it’s not that Apple just makes them extremely difficult to repair. Rather, AirPods aren’t designed to be repaired, period—if they break or the battery degrades to an unusable state, you’ll be throwing them out and buying a new pair. Sorry.

Just have a look at iFixit’s teardown of a pair of AirPods. Everything is glued together, and you can’t even remove the battery without destroying the earpiece. The same goes for the charging case. On their blog, iFixit says that “All in all, accessing any component—including the batteries in the case and in the ‘Pods—is impossible without total destruction.”

AirPods charging case teardown from iFixit

Apple does offer repair services for AirPods, but we can’t imagine how Apple is repairing them. They’re probably just replacing AirPods with new ones, because there’s no way Apple’s “battery service” involves actually replacing the battery in an earpiece. It isn’t possible.

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Source : You’ll Have to Replace Your $160 AirPods Every Few Years