You can track Greta Thunberg’s travels as she sails across the high seas

  • August 14, 2019


Greta Thunberg is bound for the high seas.

On August 14 the teenage climate activist set sail from Britain to New York City aboard the Malizia II, a technologically-advanced racing sailboat that generates electricity using solar panels and underwater turbines. Next month, Thunberg will speak at the U.N. Climate Action Summit (and Mashable’s Social Good Summit), before sailing on to a crucial U.N. climate conference in Chile. 

You can track her progress across the Atlantic Ocean on the ship’s website here (there may be a load time). 

“The science is clear,” Thunberg said in a statement after announcing the seafaring trip. “We must start bending the [carbon] emissions curve steeply downwards no later than 2020, if we still are to have a chance of staying below a 1.5 [Celsius] degrees of global temperature rise.” Read more…

More about Science, Global Warming, Climate Change, Greta Thunberg, and Science

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You can track Greta Thunberg’s travels as she sails across the high seas