The battle plans are drawn, dragonglass weapons forged, and the dead’s arrival at last signaled by three horn blasts in the dark night.
But something is missing. Or rather someone — horned, blue-eyed, and winged.
Ever since fans first got wind of a massive Battle in Winterfell, they’ve been questioning the seeming inevitability of an epic fight with the Night King. Now what began as pure speculation has crystallized into the most popular and logical twist for next week’s Episode 3 of Season 8.
The White Walkers about to punk Winterfell
Image: hbo
The Night King won’t be at the Battle of Winterfell. Instead of doing what everyone expects of him, his army will take down Winterfell as a distraction as he focuses on the other target, King’s Landing. Read more…
More about Entertainment, Hbo, Game Of Thrones, Game Of Thrones Season 8, and Night King