Why protecting your children online matters more than ever before

  • February 7, 2019



Take a walk through most modern households and you’ll quickly find a number of devices connected to the internet. Prove us wrong, we’ll wait. 

With more and more online gadgets assisting us through the minutiae of our everyday lives (playing music, giving us directions, and even cleaning our houses), we’re constantly logged on. Yet, as we continue to connect, the importance and impact of online safety is becoming an increasingly hot topic — nowadays, Mashable writes about cybersecurity almost daily.

From passwords to privacy, the desire to protect our personal information and data is increasing around the globe — and for good reason. Take Australia, for instance. According to the latest figures from Australia’s Department of Home Affairs, cybercrime is currently estimated to be costing Australians more than $724 million (A$1 billion) each year. Read more…

More about Tech, Supported, Cyberbullying, Onlinesafety, and Onlinesecurity

Source : Why protecting your children online matters more than ever before