We’re fracking the hell out of the U.S.A. Can a president slam on the brakes?

  • June 28, 2019


U.S. Route 285, cutting through the Texas-New Mexico border, is perilous.

Lines of speeding trucks lugging oil and fracking tanks gouge big cracks in the narrow two-way highway. Come night, in the blackened, high desert, it can be challenging to even stay on the crumbling asphalt, with hurrying, aggressive big rigs swerving over the faint yellow linesPeople die. Shirts are now sold reading “I survived the 285.”

The remote highway is bustling, often dangerously so, because the U.S. fracking revolution is in high gear, and nearly-endless bounties of liquid gold lie beneath the West Texas ground. Overall, U.S. crude oil production and exports have both hit record highs. America is also now the world leader in natural gas production. Read more…

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We’re fracking the hell out of the U.S.A. Can a president slam on the brakes?