Java 16: Migration to Git and GitHub gets closer
The move from Mercurial to Git and GitHub is imminent. With Java 16, the remaining projects – including the JDK itself – will finally move. Mercurial has been under criticism for some time now and Project Skara has presented clear results, the two corresponding JEPs have now been earmarked for Java 16.
See more about the Java 16 migration here.
Spring Boot 2.3 enhances Docker support with new features
The latest Spring Boot version arrived last week! Spring Boot 2.3 includes a long list of dependency upgrades, an update for Spring Data, Docker support additions, new features, and more. See what’s new and find out how to upgrade to the latest version of Spring Boot.
Read about Spring Boot 2.3 here.
Coding habits for data scientists
Data science and machine learning in Jupyter Notebooks can lead to complicated code, making it hard to improve your projects. In this article, you will learn how to reduce complexity in your code, why it’s important to get your code out of Jupyter Notebooks as soon as possible, and how to keep your code clean.
Learn how to improve your coding habits here.
Nordic language BERT models: “Languages with fewer speakers are underrepresented on the internet”
BERT models in Danish, Swedish and Norwegian have been released by the Danish company BotXO. We spoke to Jens Dahl Møllerhøj, Lead Data Scientist at BotXO, to find out more. See how these open source models differ from Google’s multilanguage BERT model, what can make creating NLP models for Nordic languages difficult, and where these models can be used.
Find out about the new BERT models here.
“Crank.js uses all four of JavaScript’s fundamental function syntaxes for writing more declarative code.”
Crank.js adds yet another framework to the JavaScript ecosystem. It was designed for creating JSX-based promises, and it also comes with its own syntax for components. We spoke to its creator, Brian Kim, about the framework, its benefits, and future expectations.
Read the interview on Crank.js here.
But that’s not all
Last week was so full of interesting news and great content, here’s a few more highlights for you:
- New IBM Equal Access Toolkit integrates accessibility into your development workflow
- Women in Tech: “I got to be a self-taught, self-managed, problem solver”
- Top UX design trends – factors that matter in 2020
- Avoid the Enemy! This is a simple game made with Kree.
- Decoding the 3 potential advantages of big data
The post Weekly Review: Plans for Java 16, Spring Boot 2.3, data science coding tips & more appeared first on JAXenter.
Source : JAXenter