Weekly Review: Kotlin 1.4, reactive programming with SQL databases & more

  • December 9, 2019

Kotlin 1.4 will arrive in 2020: How will it improve multiplatform?

Kotlin is enjoying its moment in the sun as it grows in the Android dev ecosystem. But what does the future hold? Recently, JetBrains discussed the future of the language and what we can expect in Kotlin 1.4 and beyond. As the annual KotlinConf wraps up, let’s look towards the future and see what improvements we can expect to arrive and what its current goals are.

Check out the future of Kotlin here.

Reactive programming with SQL databases: R2DBC 0.8 released

R2DBC 0.8 is now generally available. R2DBC (Reactive Relational Database Connectivity) is an open initiative that connects reactive programming with SQL databases. The R2DBC working group worked for almost two years before releasing its first version of the specification. Read about the motivation behind R2DBC and its current state.

Read about reactive programming with SQL databases here.


    In a cloud native world enamored with microservices and serverless, meet Quarkus – Java’s brilliant response to technologies like Node.js, Python and Go that had proven quicker, smaller and arguably more nimble. Download your free beginner’s tutorial written by JAX London speaker Alex Soto.

Artificial intelligence & machine learning: The brain of a smart city

In this article, explore how a combination of artificial intelligence and machine learning can act as the brains of a smart city while simultaneously considering how a smart city experience can become more personalized without compromising the privacy of its residents. Read on to see what the advantages and disadvantages of an ML and AI-powered smart city are.

Read about the brain of a smart city here.

Django 3.0 begins its async-capable journey with ASGI

Django version 3.0 is the newest long-term support (LTS) version. This open source Python framework was developed for fast web development tasks, with fully scalable architecture. It now begins its journey towards async-capable Django. Take a look at what the 3.0 milestone includes, what features were added and removed, and what Django has to offer Python developers.

Read about Django 3.0 here.

The downsides of perfectionism in software development

Is perfectionism holding you back? As a part of the modern workforce, developers, more often than not, have to switch between tasks or work on multiple projects simultaneously. Taking into account the high demand of the industry, it is understandable, why multitasking is needed to piece the project together in time for the release date.

Read all about the downsides of perfectionism in software development.


But that’s not all

Last week was so full of interesting news and great content, here’s a few more highlights for you:

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Source : JAXenter