Watch Elizabeth Warren’s good dog, Bailey, enjoy a delicious birthday burrito


Elizabeth Warren’s very good dog, Bailey, is celebrating his birthday with a delicious treat that puts any cake to shame: a birthday burrito.

On Friday, Warren shared a video on social media of Bailey chowing down on his birthday burrito in their Cambridge, Massachusetts home — straight off of the carpet, might we add.

In the video, Warren and her husband Bruce can be heard singing to Bailey and Warren gently asks him, “Are you a happy birthday boy?”

I think it’s clear the answer is yes.

“This year, we learned Bailey really likes burritos. For his birthday today, we treated him to one with his name on it. Happy Birthday, Bailey!” Warren captioned the post. Read more…

More about Politics, Dogs, Elizabeth Warren, Burritos, and Culture

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Watch Elizabeth Warren’s good dog, Bailey, enjoy a delicious birthday burrito