Twitter exec says edit button isn’t ‘anywhere near the top of our priorities’

  • August 13, 2019

At a press event in San Francisco, Twitter Product Lead Kayvon Beykpour talked about a number of product changes coming to the company’s service, he also addressed the oft-memed user request for an edit button. Long story, short, you shouldn’t expect to see the button anytime soon.

“Honestly, it’s a feature that I think we should build at some point, but it’s not anywhere near the top of our priorities,” Beykpour said. “That’s the honest answer.”

The executive said that there were some obvious risk factors but that he felt the company would eventually be able to build a feature to address user needs like correcting a typo or clarifying what they meant to say.

Twitter announced earlier in the event that the company is testing the ability to let users follow topics the same way they would ordinarily follow accounts.

Twitter tests ways for users to follow and snooze specific topics

Source : Twitter exec says edit button isn’t ‘anywhere near the top of our priorities’