UX design has come a long way in recent years. The latest UX design trends promise to change the way we think about specific experiences such as IoT and Augmented Reality.
Since the new decade has started, it’s time for UX design to come out of infancy. This article talks about the top UX design trends that will surely matter in the 2020s. Those on the receiving end of UX design services might want to take notes…
So let’s start:
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1. Liquid graphics
Many web designers have started to play with the trend of liquid graphics. Modern liquid graphics also include chromatic forms and holographs. If you start looking for them, you will find them everywhere.
2. UX at the heart of your marketing strategy
For the longest time, UX design was treated as a bolt-on service. It was all about following the best practices and running A/B tests occasionally. Changing the colour of your CTA buttons every 6 months is not going to make any difference.
If you want to rank well in search engines, you must work on improving UX performance. Search engines must know that your site isn’t just accessible, but it’s engaging as well. A robust UX design means mobile-friendliness, higher page visits, more time spent on each page, easy navigation, less bounce rate, and more.
There is a close connection between UX design and CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization). So many brands are making the mistake of following the best practices only. They are making reactive changes to the issues that can be solved in the initial design phase.
If your conversion rate hasn’t been up to the mark, you might want to pay attention to UX design. Hire professional UX design services to identify problems in your website’s existing design and make some significant changes.
3. Illustrations
If you are up for playfulness, why not incorporate illustrations? This includes graphics, vectors, and hand-drawn illustrations to add character. They come a long way in enhancing the artistic value of the screen. Additionally, the user can relate to the content. This might be a driving factor in generating leads.
4. Personalized content
You cannot deny the importance of personalized content in today’s time. When there is no personalization on your website, you might drive visitors away.
Many users prefer interfaces that are customized according to their preferences. Personalized user experience became a hit in mid-2018 and due to its effectiveness, is here to stay. The key lies in learning about your customers and modifying the user experience in such a way that it grabs the user’s attention.
5. Multi-platform integration
The 2020s will be about manifesting solutions for voice-based interfaces, interactive TVs, game consoles, automobile dashboards, and more existing innovations. To date, user experience was restricted to a natural user interface only. This decade, VUI (Voice User Interface) will be the focus. This is all due to the rise and acceptance of home automation and other voice-based services.
We will also see tactile interfaces in the healthcare industry. For example, a Fitbit will lead to the formation of intuitive user experience design embedded in product functionality.
6. Dark themes
Bright backgrounds are great, but don’t you think it’s time for a change? Now is the right time to switch to dark mode. Wondering why to choose a dark theme? Scientifically, brightness is not suitable for the eyes.
Plus, Android and iOS both announced their dark theme modes. So many apps have already embraced this new trend. The dark theme can positively influence UX. Designers have started to take advantage of this design opportunity by launching themes that adjust to this environment. Brighter in the day and darker at night – the user will have complete choice. You will be creating a design that works in favor of people.
Before you add this trend in your bucket list, you must first figure out if your app supports a dark or light theme. Spotify, Netflix, Amazon, and YouTube have already accepted this theme. Why? Because people use entertainment channels at night. If your website gets traffic in the day-time the most, a light theme would be more appropriate for you.
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7. Air gesture
This new mobile UX design trend is all set to improve user experience. A lot has changed ever since touch screens have come forward. More aspect ratios and fewer bezels at the front offer a better gesture experience. Apple was the first one to introduce this new technology. Now, it’s taking the design world by storm.
How great is it that with just a wave of the hand or pinch of your fingers in the air, you will be able to make things happen? All this happens without making eye contact with the touchscreen.
8. Micro-interactions
When a user and design interact to create an engaging experience, micro-interactions take place. It is the same as paying attention to small and intrinsic details that are valuable for the users. But these micro-interactions can only be noticed if they are present. They could be related to the human-centered design.
Pinterest sets an excellent example for smoothly embedding micro-interactions for improving UX design. The like button by Facebook is yet another example. It is a visible indicator of the volume button.
All brands are making efforts to make their design stand out. You should too but by setting some standards. This would be your best chance for drawing new visitors towards your brand.
These trends are not going to fade away. They are so powerful that they are likely to flourish and bring better results than imagined. However, keep in mind, you must never discard the best practices to embrace the new ones. Not all of these might apply to your product. Feel free to consult an agency that offers the best UX design services for great results.
The post Top UX design trends – factors that matter in 2020 appeared first on JAXenter.
Source : JAXenter