Top 10 Java stories of August: Kotlin, Java, Julia & Quarkus

  • September 3, 2019

Yes, we’re counting the days until JFX 13 and Jakarta EE 8 arrive on September 10th, not to mention Java 13 on the 21st! You might understand if all was quiet on the western front while the next generation gets ready in the wings ready for the big moment. And yet! As you’ll see below, August was jam-packed with Java goodness. From JEPs to interviews about Quarkus and Eclipse MicroProfile, not to mention Java Web Start coming back from the dead. These 10 stories, interviews and articles are the must-reads of August, so get stuck in!

Kotlin gnaws at Java’s throne

Our top article in August was about Java challenger, Kotlin. The rise of Kotlin has been meteoric, and a new report sheds some light on Android developers’ preferences. In this article, we took a look at the recent history of Kotlin and traced its growth over the last couple of years, looked at the state of Kotlin today, and then looked briefly to the future. Will Kotlin eat more of Java’s share or will Java remain king of the hill?

Read the full Kotlin article here.

Julia: The programming language of the future?

Next up we found ourselves thinking about Julia. Is she “the language of the future”? The TIOBE Index has seen a recent upswing in its popularity, as it slowly climbs up the charts from 50th place to the 35th most popular programming language. At JuliaCon 2019, the results from the user survey were revealed. To celebrate, we took a quick dip into the language use cases and how it stacks up.

Read the Julia survey results here.

Quarkus – what’s next for the lightweight Java framework?

In early August we had a lot of questions about Quarkus – or “supersonic subatomic Java” as it’s also known. What are the strengths of Quarkus? What’s new in 0.20.0? What features can we look forward to in the future? When will version 1.0.0 be released? RedHat’s Alex Soto was kind enough to answer them all and more in this fascinating interview.

Read the Quarkus interview in full.

GraphQL is changing the game of Web Querying. Here’s how.

GraphQL continues to gain traction and become the standard for developers. In this article by Michael Williams, we found out how GraphQL is changing the way an API queries the data. What the future of GraphQL holds, and how the community is helping new developers contribute to open source software.

Read about GraphQL web querying.

Java Web Start is dead, long live Java Web Start!

We’d almost forgotten about Java Web Start, but not everyone has! Oracle discontinued support for Java Web Start and removed it from official Java distributions starting with Java 11. Does that mean the end of Java Web Start? No, says Hendrik Ebbers (Karakun), who has launched the OpenWebStart project as an alternative. We talked to him about the objectives, status quo, and future of (Open)WebStart.

Read the Java OpenWebStart interview.

JEP 358 – Improved NullPointerExceptions

August proved to be a good month for Java enhancement proposals. We got three of them, along with a handful of JEP drafts that primarily concern themselves with garbage collection. As for JEP 358, nearly every developer is all too familiar with the dreaded NullPointerException. The JVM points to the location of the problem, but not in as much detail as you might like. With JEP 358, Goetz Lindemaier and Ralf Schmelter propose a solution to this problem.

Read about JEP 358.

Cloud-Native DevOps

At a high level, cloud-native architecture implies adapting to the many new possibilities empowering innovation that paves the way for digital transformation. How did cloud-native approaches come to be? Guest writer Pavan Belgatti took us on a tour of cloud-native DevOps, looking at where it came from, where it is now, and what positives it brings to its users.

Read about cloud-native DevOps here.

Jakarta EE & Eclipse MicroProfile – two names, one family?

Keen-eyed readers might have noticed that August was a great month for interviews here at JAXenter! Well we’re not done yet – following the JCrete unconference where a group got to brainstorming about the future of Jakarta EE and MicroProfile, Sebastian Daschner wrote a proposal as to how this relationship would look. We caught up with him and asked him some questions.

Read the Jakarta EE and Eclipse MicroProfile interview.

JEP 360: Sealed Types

We mentioned above that we got three JEPs in August, well here’s a second one! It’s a shame that JEP 359 didn’t make it into our top 10, but don’t feel too bad – JEP 359 and JEP 360 go hand in hand with one-another. JEP 360 proposes to bring sealed types to Java, allowing developers to impose restrictions on which other classes or interfaces may extend or implement them. Sealed types could work in tandem with records, which is the business of its older sibling, JEP 359.

Read all about JEP 360 here.

Microsoft acquires leading AdoptOpenJDK contributor jClarity

On August 20th, Microsoft announced its acquisition of jClarity, London-based provider of software performance analytics and tuning and leading contributor to the AdoptOpenJDK project. Both companies published statements in the form of blog posts, so of course we got stuck in and wrote about it.

Read about Microsoft acquiring jClarity here.

The post Top 10 Java stories of August: Kotlin, Java, Julia & Quarkus appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter