This piano tune drowning out a car alarm is the perfect quarantine soundtrack

  • March 21, 2020

Quarantine is a time for creativity (supposedly). Just ask everyone who can’t stop pointing out that Shakespeare wrote King Lear while in quarantine.

Well step aside, Will, because writer and critic Andrea Long Chu has given us a coronavirus anthem: Car Alarm Improv. Putting her (genuinely) formidable piano skills to use, Chu turned an annoying car alarm that wouldn’t stop going off into glorious music.

“Car alarm kept going off so i improvised,” Chu wrote in the video caption on Twitter. 

And sure enough, the resulting piano riff is appropriately anxious, pressing, and yearning to be heard, a reflection of how we all feel as we stay home because of the coronavirus outbreak. It makes you want to know the story behind said annoying car alarm: Is its owner stuck at home too? Has its owner abandoned their apartment to go spend quarantine somewhere else, leaving the poor car alarm to scream into the day uselessly? Because same, car alarm. Same. Read more…

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Source : This piano tune drowning out a car alarm is the perfect quarantine soundtrack