I sat with my hands on the wheel in the middle of a mini green race track, watching the feed from the tiny car I was driving.
Next to me, a developer was trying to modify code so the cityscape background on my screen turned into a desert landscape. A white flash appeared for a few seconds. He succeeded. And I didn’t need to turn the car off or pull over — something carmakers hope they can replicate in the real world.
Smartphone users know the drill. When there’s a new software update, they’re notified and either schedule an overnight update or manually install the new software and stare at the progress bar as the phone restarts. That’s basically how it works with cars now, too. But the auto industry’s next move is to update the car’s software as you drive. Read more…
More about Developers, Tesla, Autonomous Vehicles, Updates, and Ota
Source : This company wants cars to get software updates while driving