The trendy five: Fighting off winter’s frost with the top GitHub repos of February 2019

  • March 4, 2019

Every month, we go over the GitHub trending page for any cool repos that stand out from the crowd. We choose five of the most innovative, interesting, and well-thought out projects to highlight in our monthly report. As always, it was tough to narrow down the list of GitHub repos to our five favorites.

So, in no particular order, here are our top picks for February 2019!

How to Secure a Linux Server

Security is important, people. It shouldn’t be an afterthought! So, here’s a little help from GitHub to get you by. How to Secure a Linux Server is a how-to for developers of all backgrounds to learn and improve their server security.

This guide gives developers an in-depth explanation for server security, from start to finish. This guide goes over everything. While it’s still a work in progress, How to Secure a Linux Server is a helpful addition to GitHub for any developer looking to set up an at-home Linux server with copy/paste code available.


Joining the machine learning trend has a number of barriers to entry, but Ludwig is here to make it easier to utilize TensorFlow. This toolbox is built on top of TensorFlow, allowing developers to train and test deep learning models without needing to write code themselves. All developers need is a CSV file with their data, a list of columns to use as inputs and outputs, and Ludwig will do the rest!

Ludwig offers a programmatic API for developers to use their Python code, as well as suite of visualization tools for analysis. Developers can use simple commands to train local and distributed models. Ludwig is highly extensible; since it is based on data type abstractions, it’s simple for Ludwig to support new data types and model architectures.

Ludwig was designed for flexibility, generability, and to be understandable for all machine learning users. More information is available here.


Auto-input can sometimes have its issues. Cleave.js is here to help. It provides an easy way to increase input field readability by formatting your typed data. Using this library means less work on your end to write regular expressions or mask patterns to format input data.

It covers formatting for credit card numbers, phone numbers, dates, and numeral formatting. More importantly, Cleave.js also goes over coding formatting for things like ReactJS components and AngularJS directives. There’s a demonstration available here showing how you can format you content, while you are typing.


After Jarvis stole our hearts in the Iron Man films, everyone wants an AI personal assistant. While we’re a Mind Stone and a lot of developing away from actually achieving a full AI, there’s an open source option now available for your own personal servers.

Leon was developed to provide a general package/modules organizational structure. He does stuff that you ask him, and responds to your with some hilaribad jokes. (Why was the JavaScript developer sad? Because he didn’t Node how to Express himself!) You can see Leon in action here.

More information about Leon is available here.

Frontend Bootcamp

Looking to improve your frontend web development skills? Microsoft is offering a free, two day workshop available via GitHub to help newcomers learn the basics of frontend development. By the end of the course, they’ll have built a working web app.

Obviously, this workshop is a great refresher for those who have experience developing, but it’s set up for beginners. Day 1 goes over the fundamentals of the web, with a look at HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React. Day 2 goes over more advanced tools, like TypeScript, testing, and state management.

So, if you’re just starting out, try the Microsoft Frontend Bootcamp today! More information about the Frontend Bootcamp is available here.

SEE ALSO: TensorFlow, Python, and Julia helped make 2018 the year of machine learning on GitHub

Honorable mention

The Book of Secret Knowledge


“Knowledge is powerful, be careful how you use it!” Source.

This collection of helpful materials is a great thing for every developer to keep on their bookmarked list. It’s full of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools, and more. While suitable for everyone, it’s explicitly aimed at System and Network administrators, DevOps, Pentesters and Security Researchers.

So, next time you need a little something to help get ahead, take a look at the Book of Secret Knowledge!

The post The trendy five: Fighting off winter’s frost with the top GitHub repos of February 2019 appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter