The pandemic made me realize I hate cooking, and that’s OK


In the Before Times — approximately pre-March 2020 — my dinners were either out with friends or not much of anything at all. I bought frozen dumplings and pasta from Trader Joe’s and heated them up, or I fried some eggs. On occasion, I’d even make a dinner my childhood self could only dream of: a bowl of Reese’s Puffs or Ben and Jerry’s.

I didn’t think anything of this routine then. I simply “didn’t have time to cook” — or actually, I was much too tired to cook! After a long day of staring at a screen and coming home to stare at a different screen, how could I possibly have the energy to prepare an elaborate meal?  Read more…

More about Food, Cooking, Baking, Coronavirus, and Culture

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The pandemic made me realize I hate cooking, and that’s OK