What’s west of Westeros? It’s the question that Arya Stark sets sail to answer in the Season 8 finale, to discover what lies beyond the edge of the world.
Many in the Game of Thrones universe have tried to cross the vast Sunset Sea in the hopes of being the first to complete that ambitious quest. None ever made it back alive with much of an answer, either not reaching very far west of Westeros before returning in defeat, or dying in the process, or mysteriously disappearing.
Except, possibly, for one legendary badass highborn lady-turned-pirate named Elissa Farman, who parallels Arya in many ways. Recently introduced in George R.R. Martin’s Targaryen history book Fire and Blood, Elissa’s epic story, set a couple hundred years ago, can help us imagine where Arya’s journey could take her. Read more…
More about Entertainment, Game Of Thrones, Arya Stark, Game Of Thrones Season 8, and Fire And Blood