Thanks to a bug, Twitter Fleets didn’t actually expire after 24 hours

  • November 22, 2020

On Nov. 17, Twitter ripped off the Stories feature that Snapchat popularized and Instagram popularized even further. Twitter’s version is called Fleets and unfortunately, it didn’t take long for people to find a way to subvert the 24-hour expiration timer.

Twitter user donk_enby posted a thread that went viral over the weekend highlighting a bug in Twitter’s back-end that would allow users to view a Fleet well after it should have expired. What’s worse is that the user who posted the Fleet wouldn’t even see a notification that it had been viewed. 

The good news? Twitter is aware of this and confirmed to TechCrunch that a fix would come in short order. Read more…

More about Twitter, Social Media, Social Network, Stories, and Social Media Companies

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Thanks to a bug, Twitter Fleets didn’t actually expire after 24 hours