Late Show host Stephen Colbert has weighed in on CBS’ much maligned decision to hire former Trump staffer Mick Mulvaney as a political analyst. Unsurprisingly, he isn’t thrilled.
“What the f**k,” Colbert said, looking straight down the barrel of the camera and unequivocally ridiculing his own network over the move.
“I for one can’t wait to hear Mulvaney’s trenchant and objective political analysis, considering that back in 2020 he suggested that coronavirus was the ‘media hoax of the day,’ and after his boss extorted [Ukranian president Volodymyr] Zelenskyy for dirt on the Bidens he said ‘get over it,’ and just days after the election he announced, ‘if he loses the former president will concede gracefully,’ adding ‘He’ll fight hard to make sure the results are fair, and in the end he’ll accept the result whatever it is.'”
Colbert also noted that CBS’ decision appeared to be an effort to appeal to Republicans — a notion he isn’t shy about being phenomenally disinterested in.
“[They’re] reworking our programming in the hopes of cosying up to the GOP, so get ready for our new spring lineup: Young QShaman, Bob Restricts the Reproductive Rights of Abishola, and Blue Bloods.”
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Source : Stephen Colbert blasts CBS for hiring Trump aide Mick Mulvaney