Speed, Speed, Speed: JavaScript vs C++ vs WebAssembly

  • December 13, 2019

What’s happening under the hood at the compiler level in JavaScript? In this keynote session, Franziska Hinkelmann talks about JavaScript compilers specifically and see how modern JS performance compares to C++ performance. Then, see where WebAssembly fits into this performance story. The concepts that Franziska Hinkelmann will show you are fundamental JS concepts and they apply no matter what framework you are using – so doesn’t matter if you are using Angular, Node.js or anything else.

Moreover, as we go through this journey, the questions like how can dynamically typed JS be so fast, when it became faster than before will be answered as well.


JavaScriptFranziska Hinkelmann is a member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee and an expert on ES6 performance. She has a Ph.D. in mathematics and is a software engineer at Google on the Cloud Platform team in New York City. Previously, she was on the Chrome V8 team. When she’s not working hard on making Node.js better on the Cloud Platform, she’s probably out riding horses.

Source : JAXenter