Sony was supposed to launch its new flagship, the Xperia 1 II, in late February, during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. That never happened as the MWC was canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak, so Sony soft-launched the phone online, revealing all of its specs, but not its price or date of availability.
Now, the final pieces of the puzzle have been revealed, and boy are they disappointing. The phone will arrive in July (original launch window was “spring”) at the price of $1,199.
That’s an eye-watering figure considering that you can get a brand new Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max or a Samsung Galaxy S20+ 5G for less. Read more…
More about Sony, Sony Xperia 1 Ii, Tech, Consumer Tech, and Smartphones
Source : Sony Xperia 1 II launches in July for *cough* $1,200