Snyk just released a massive report on the state of the JVM ecosystem. The JVM Ecosystem Report 2018 was based on questionnaires more than 10,200 Java developers around the world and it brings some really interesting and rich data into light.
The 49-pages-long report features topics that cover the spheres of JDK, platforms, tools, applications, as well as processes used by the participants.
With no further ado, I invite you to dive into the most interesting results of this survey!
All about the languages
Since this is a survey for Java developers, the main focus is on the JDK, of course. Concerning the Java SE Version of choice, this report confirms what we have discussed a lot in the past that the vast majority of the Java community still uses Java 8 in production. The JVM Ecosystem Report 2018 shows an impressive 79% of the respondents still using Java 8.
As for the main Java vendor the participants use in production, Oracle stricks first. Surprised?
On one of the hottest Java topis out there, namely Oracle’s new cadence for Java releases, the participants seem to be rather confused! The choice to stay with LTS releases seems to be on the top of the list with 34% of the participants agreeing to it, however, the numbers are pretty close with 30% saying that the will make the decision on a release-by-release basis while 28% don’t know yet! Unsurprisingly, only 8% tends to always stay on the latest versions as they come out.
Moving on to the next topic, the main JVM language used by the participants for their main application is Java (imagine that!).
However, what I do want to point out is the fact that Kotlin, as small of a percentage as it might have, is among the top 3 JVM languages, possibly confirming what we have discussed in the past that, Kotlin and Java seem to go pretty well together with since most Kotlin developers come from a Java background, or also work with Java.
Last but not least in the languages chapter, participants were asked to answer which other non-JVM languages they use for their applications.
Unsurprisingly, JavaScript, SQL are on the top. Nonetheless, Node.js and Python‘s rise to top 5 is definitely something to keep our eye on.
All about the tools
When asked about their number one choice for IDE, the participants put IntelliJ IDEA in number one followed by the Eclipse IDE. Apache NetBeans makes it into top 3 with a share of 11%. Interestingly enough, more than 30% of the IntelliJ users, use the paid version of IntelliJ IDEA Untilmate while only 11% use the Community Edition.
When it comes to the number one choice for build tools, Maven is the absolute winner with 60% of the respondents reporting it as their tool of preference.
One of the most interesting findings of this survey, in my opinion, is the fact that 72% of the participants reported not using any static security tools. Despite security testing becoming one of the hottest topics out there, the results of the survey show that the worrying majority of the of the respondents “don’t use any static tooling anywhere in their pipeline, potentially leaving them open to known vulnerabilities”, as the JVM Ecosystem Report mentions.
Moving on to the preferred CI servers used, Jenkins gives everyone a run for their money with total domination of the CI server battle!
Going over to the universe of web frameworks, Spring Boot and Spring MVC seem to be the framework of choice for the majority of Java developers.
Concerning databases, Oracle Database seems to be the number one choice among Java developers, followed by MySQL and PostgreSQL.
Cloud technologies could not be missing of this report, of course! When asked about the cloud approach they use, respondents made it clear that containers are still in the lead! However, serverless is punching its way through with almost 1 in 10 developers adopting this approach.
These were only but the highlights of the 2018 JVM Ecosystem Report. If you are interested in checking out the whole thing, you can head over to the official report.
The post Sneak peek into the status of the JVM ecosystem appeared first on JAXenter.
Source : JAXenter