Should I put a TV in my bedroom?

  • January 10, 2021

Putting a TV in your bedroom seems like a good, maybe even a great, and certainly not a terrible idea. After all, most evenings you zone out from the stress of the day by watching something on TV, by which I mean the assortment of streaming services you subscribe to as well as the physical object through which you do it. You click on something funny and light, or something so dark it takes you out of the incessant swirl of days you can’t name and lunches eaten in the same spot, over and over again, and into a new space completely, and it feels…good. Like relief, for a second. 

It’s understandable that we need this: a separation from day into night, a division between work into non-work time, a moment to transition stress into diverting relaxation, or failing that, at least a diversion. (This is why people drink, or smoke pot, or change out of sweatpants into pajama pants, right?)  Read more…

More about Television, Culture, Work Life, and Health

Source : Should I put a TV in my bedroom?