If you can’t even shake someone’s hand and you’re supposed to keep a solid 3-foot social distance as the COVID-19 pandemic spreads, jumping on a shared electric scooter can’t possibly be a safe activity. Right? But with the proper precautions, it should be less risky to partake in the sharing economy.
While the coronavirus is shown to stick around on certain surfaces for up to four days, it’s defenseless against disinfectants. So we can literally wipe it away.
Dr. Daniel Berliner, a physician at PlushCare, wrote in an email to Mashable that it’s risky to touch anything used by more than one person, but noted that “disinfectant cleaning with Clorox-type wipes must become the standard procedure prior to use of these items and devices.” Read more…
More about Uber, Lyft, Bike Sharing, E Scooters, and Coronavirus
Source : Shared bikes, e-scooters, cars are still OK to use during coronavirus outbreak