‘Severance’ mashup with ‘The Office’ intro is so good it’s scary

  • April 15, 2022

Apple TV’s Severance is a thriller — the kind of mystery that keeps your eyes glued, a la Lost in its prime — but it is funny as well. Sure, it doesn’t have punchline jokes, but the show does a great job of acknowledging, and laughing at, the absurdity of office life.

So it shouldn’t be a surprise that it really works when you set footage of Severance to the iconic intro from The Office. YouTuber Magoob Toys made a pitch perfect parody, lining up goofy footage from Severance to the famous Office opening jingle.


All 185 episodes of ‘The Office,’ ranked

It’s bonkers how many things line up, you’ve got to watch to see it all. But a personal favorite: Mark’s plaque sure does seem like a certain Assistant to the Regional Manger’s bobblehead.

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‘Severance’ mashup with ‘The Office’ intro is so good it’s scary