Seth Rogen’s Zoom prank is the perfect way to start any video call

  • April 20, 2020

Jimmy Kimmel and Seth Rogen’s Zoom interview starts normally enough. They say hello, exchange pleasantries, and Rogen talks a little bit about life under coronavirus lockdown where he’s living. But things quickly get confusing when the actor’s answers stop matching up with Kimmel’s questions.

At that point, as Kimmel asks if Rogen can hear him okay, the latter whips away the screen he’s been secretly holding up to the camera — a screen playing a pre-recorded message of himself talking.

“I’ve been doing a lot of like Zoom calls and stuff lately, and I realised I don’t actually have to be there for a lot of them,” Rogen explains. “It’s amazing what you can do with pre-recording these days, I’ve been very productive.” Read more…

More about Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Rogen, Zoom, Entertainment, and Celebrities

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Seth Rogen’s Zoom prank is the perfect way to start any video call