Stranger things have happened than a schlubby Brooklyn writer hooking up with a glamorous secretary of state. What pushes Long Shot from unexpected to downright unbelievable, however, is the context in which this coupling takes place.
The film, directed by Jonathan Levine and written by Liz Hannah and Dan Sterling, seems determined to comment on our current political climate — yet the world it creates feels so far removed from our own, it may as well exist in an alternate dimension.
SEE ALSO: Seth Rogen and Charlize Theron couple up in trailer for ‘Long Shot’
At least its stars are lovable in any universe. Seth Rogen plays Fred Flarsky, who is most economically described as a Seth Rogen type: shaggy, sweet, and Too Much in a way that comes all the way back around to endearing. Read more…
More about Movies, Charlize Theron, Seth Rogen, Sxsw 2019, and Long Shot