TL;DR: Save up to 40% on fishing and outdoor gear at Cabela’s.
Streaming a nature doc after a long day is super soothing, but actually heading into the wild (even if it’s just your local nature center) can provide the recharge many of us need right now.
Activities we may not have necessarily associated with mindfulness before, such as hiking, kayaking, and even fly-fishing, can actually help our brains and our bodies shift into “gone fishing” mode quite naturally, especially if you struggle with things like getting into meditation apps.
For those who find their happy place by a fishing hole, you can save up to 40% off during the Trout Fishing Frenzy sale at Cabela’s. Here are some top picks:
White River Fly Shop Classic Fly Rod (save $20)

Credit: White River
Fly-fishing has long been recognized for breaking the train of everyday thinking and shifting our minds away from other daily stresses, according to researchers at Harvard Medical School. Whether you’re an experienced angler or just starting out, a classic fly rod is essential. For beginner, a 6-foot, 6-inch or 7-foot,6-inch length and 4-line weight is a good option paired with a spinning reel like the Bass Pro Shops Micro Lite Elite Spinning Reel.
White River Fly Shop 270º Fly Vest (save $20.02)

Credit: White River
You need a lot of gear at your fingertips when you’re chasing fish (which also means less time to doomscroll). This lightweight vest makes everything easy to reach with 18 pockets, including a quick-access pocket for your most-used tools and a snap-down strap to keep your rod in place while changing out a fly. There are also two inside zip pockets for added storage and back pockets where you could stash a reusable water bottle or some snacks.
White River Fly Shop Heat Trout Net (save $7.02)

Credit: White River
A net is a handy tool for any angler, but it’s especially useful for catch-and-release fishing. A net allows you to safely free your fish, ideally without ever even removing it from the water. The faster you work, the better – and once you’ve got it down, you may even have time for a quick selfie with your new friend. The clear rubber netting on this model helps quiet the fish and has a grippy, EVA handle for deft maneuvering.
Source : Save on gear for your next outdoor adventure with up to 40% off at Cabela’s