A group chat notification from your friend spilling scorching hot #tea. Your chatty co-worker begging for your thoughts on the latest episode of Game of Thrones. Your favorite online store announcing a surprise sale. BTS dropping new tour dates.
All of these diversions can throw you off your productivity streak, and it could take you to up to 24 minutes to restore your focus once you’ve lost it in the depths of your Twitter feed.
Want to hear something even more painful? Wasted hours of productivity translate to about $1,800 a month in lost revenue. O-U-C-H.
Watching your friend’s Instagram story isn’t going to put food on the table nor earn you money to score front row tickets. Put a stop — or at least minimize — your rampant procrastination with Focuster, an app that could help boost your focus and supercharge your productivity. You can pick up a lifetime subscription today for 87% off. Read more…
More about Productivity, Mashable Shopping, Shopping Solo, Apps And Services, and Culture
Source : Save 87% on a lifetime subscription to productivity app Focuster