
Uber changed its logo and Lyft launched pink and purple e-scooters. It’s been a big year for the two big ride-hailing apps.
For the drivers who supply rides ordered via smartphones, Uber and Lyft might say things were pretty good in 2018. Both companies made a big push to improve the driver experience, from Uber’s new app to both Lyft and Uber’s reward programs. But pay has stagnated and driver rights haven’t improved much — issues that the companies don’t want to examine too closely.
SEE ALSO: Uber and Lyft IPOs will make a lot of people rich. But what about the drivers?
In some cities like New York, London, and throughout Australia, the fight is on with local policymakers to reach the demands of the driver community. Drivers are looking to keep more of each fare and get recognized for their work. Read more…
More about Uber, Lyft, Ride Hailing Apps, Drivers, and End Of Year 2018
Source : Ride-sharing drivers had it better in some ways this year