The rare painted lady butterfly has been spotted in the U.K. and Ireland, a once-in-a-decade phenomenon. The painted lady or Vanessa cardui emerge every 10 years when weather conditions and food sources are ideal for their survival.
Over 11 million painted lady butterflies were spotted in 2009, the last time they emerged.
Have you noticed the massive influx of Painted Lady butterflies around Glasgow? UofG Environmental Advisor Steve Johnson explains why 🦋🌺🌿 pic.twitter.com/vAega8R7dD
— University of Glasgow (@UofGlasgow) August 2, 2019
Looks like today will be a good butterfly day. Garden already holding Red Admiral (6), Painted Lady (8), Peacock (5), Comma (2) and a Gatekeeper. Numerous Painted Lady zipping overhead! pic.twitter.com/LAWhyNBOhR
— Suffolk Butterflies (@BillButterfly) August 3, 2019 Read more…
More about Science, Ireland, Insects, U.K., and Butterflies
Source : Rare butterflies start their once-in-a-decade migration in the U.K. and Ireland