
Good job everyone: Americans took a break from looking at porn long enough to watch the midterm erection election results roll in.
According to Pornhub’s ever-insightful analytics, traffic in the United States was up as much as 20 percent on Tuesday morning.
The report theorizes that Americans jerked off early before hitting the polls, or “perhaps they woke up more anxious than usual and needed to relax.”
Image: pornhub
Traffic dipped between 4 to 7 p.m. and then again between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. as results rolled in across the nation. Strangely, traffic was up 1.7 percent at 8 p.m. — maybe it was too late to vote but too early for results? Read more…
More about Pornhub, Midterm Elections 2018, Culture, and Web Culture
Source : Pornhub traffic in Washington DC skyrocketed on election night