New Python wrapper for cloud automation by Adobe

  • February 5, 2019

Adobe is more than your favorite photo editing program; they also provide some open source software as well. Now Adobe can even help you with cloud automation.

Meet the Python wrapper for Terraform, Ansible, and SSH for cloud automation: Ops-cli. This wrapper is newly open sourced under the Apache License 2.0, so it is still fresh on the FOSS scene. As we know, there’s no better time to journey into the unknown and get into the growing field of cloud computing.

Automate the cloud

Cloud automation can help reduce the amount of time that you spend on managing your cloud. Why not take some of the load off your back and simplify your workload via automation?

Ops-cli is for Terraform and Ansible.

Terraform is a tool which helps codify APIs  into reproducible infrastructure. Their website claims that, “If it can be codified, it can be automated.” It can be used across infrastructure providers such as AWS, Azure, OpenStack, VMware, and GCP.

Meanwhile, Ansible is “automation for everyone”. It is an automation engine for cloud provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, intra-service orchestration, and more. This helps break down silos and fosters a DevOps culture.

From GitHub, here’s some details about what Ops-cli can do:

It also integrates with the AWS cli, in order to provide inventory, ssh, sync, tunnel and the possibility to run ansible playbooks on top of EC2 instances. It can be used to add a layer of templating (using jinja2) on top of Terraform files. This is useful for removing duplicated code when it comes to spinning up infrastructure across multiple environments (stage/sandbox/prod) and across teams. Useful for both AWS and Kubernetes deployments, given that Terraform has support for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes (EKS).

You define a cluster configuration, using a yaml file. The yaml file can contain different kind of sections. For instance, you could have a section for terraform files, a section for AWS instructions and so forth.

SEE ALSO: A tour of cloud computing: “The biggest roadblock to multi-cloud success is the learning curve”

Before you get started

For the time being, Ops-cli is only for Python 2.

There is no word about if it will move to Python 3, however this is cause for slight concern. Python 2’s end of life date is approaching; maintenance ends after 2020. While for now, that may seem like a “future you” problem, the date is closer than you think. Why not move Ops-cli over to Python 3 now? We will keep an eye on what happens, since the project is so newly open sourced and is full of potential.

If you want to go on and give it a look, installation requires using Virtualenv – a tool for creating isolated Python environments. More information on how to use it are available here.

Need further help while running Ops-cli? View all the commands and their usage with ops --help

The post New Python wrapper for cloud automation by Adobe appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter