Melania Trump’s odd mask PSA contradicts her husband’s actions

  • April 13, 2020

Melania Trump released a new video PSA in which she is seen telling the American people just how important it is to wear masks in public. Her husband, Donald, should really check it out. And maybe she should even take her own advice. 

On Thursday morning, Melania tweeted a short video clip of herself holding a white face mask and very, very somberly declaring that the CDC recommends wearing masks to cover your face in grocery stores, pharmacies, and other places where it can be hard to maintain proper social distancing. 

“Remember, this does not replace the importance of social distancing. It is another recommended guideline to keep us all safe,” she said. Read more…

More about Cdc, Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Masks, and Coronavirus

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Melania Trump’s odd mask PSA contradicts her husband’s actions