Manifold: The reinvention of code generators

  • November 16, 2018

This is the second in a series of articles covering Manifold, a new breed of tooling for Java. Part 1 introduces the Type Manifold API, a powerful alternative to conventional code generation. This segment explores Extension Classes, an innovative feature that enables you to supplement a class with your own methods, interfaces, and other features without subclassing and without changing the original class.

Extension methods for Java?!

Quick! Write some code to read the contents of a File into a String. Ready, go!

As a pragmatic developer you hope for something like this:

String contents = file.readText();

Regrettably, you type file. in your IDE and quickly discover no such method exists. Next, you search StackOverflow for boilerplate solutions and find a useful snippet. You want to save yourself and others from duplicating this effort, so you wrap the boilerplate snippet in a Util library:

public class MyFileUtil {
  public static String readText(File file) {
    // boilerplate code...

Now you can write:

String contents = MyFileUtil.readText(file);

Is this as good as it gets?

You deserve a friendlier, more practical File API — readText() is better suited and more easily discoverable as an instance method directly on File. This is where a feature commonly known in the language community as Extension Methods makes all the difference. This is also where Manifold picks up where Java leaves off.

Manifold fully implements Extension Methods for Java via Extension Classes:


import manifold.ext.api.*;

public class MyFileExtension {
  public static String readText(@This File thiz) {
    // boilerplate code...

MyFileExtension supplements File with readText() as an instance method:

String contents = file.readText();

Which is exactly what the pragmatist in you wants!

What’s more, IntelliJ IDEA  provides comprehensive support for Manifold. You can use features such as code completion to easily discover and use extension methods:

See it in action. Create new extension classes, refactor them, find usages, and more:

Anatomy of an extension class

Extension classes are easy to implement using simple conventions and annotations:


An extension class’ package name must end with extensions.. With Java 8 you may root all extension classes in the extensions package. In Java 9 or later, if you are using explicit modules, you must prepend the name of the module to the package eg., package, where foo is the name of the module. To maintain unique names across dependencies, it’s generally good practice to further qualify extension classes anyway.

public class MyFileExtension {

An extension class must be annotated @Extension, this helps Manifold quickly identify extension classes in your project.

public static String readText(@This File thiz) {

All extension methods must be declared `static`, more on this later. As the receiver of the call the first parameter of an extension instance method must be the same type as the extended class, in this case File. The parameter name thiz is conventional, you can use any name you like.

That’s basically it for the common case.

Static methods

You can define static extension methods like this:

public static FileSystem getLocalFileSystem() {
  return FileSystems.getDefault();

Since static methods don’t have a receiver, the method itself must be annotated with @Extension so Manifold can identify it as such.

Call it as if it were a normal static method File:



You can make extensions for generic classes too and define generic extension methods. This is how Manifold extension libraries work with collections and other generic classes. For example, here is the first() extension method on Iterable:

public static  T first(@This Iterable thiz, Predicate predicate) {
  for (T element: thiz) {
    if (predicate.test(element)) {
      return element;
  throw new NoSuchElementException();

Notice the extension is a generic method with the same type variable designation as the extended class: T from Iterable. Since extension methods are static this is how you convey type variables from the extended class to the extension method.

To define a generic extension method you append the type variables of the method to the list of the extended class’ type variables. Manifold’s map() extension illustrates this format:

public static  Stream map(@This Collection thiz, Function mapper) {

Here map is a generic extension method having type R and conveying Collection‘s type variable E.

Static dispatching

An extension class does not physically alter its extended class; the methods defined in an extension are not really inserted into the extended class. Instead the Java compiler and Manifold cooperate to make a call to a static method in an extension look like a call to an instance method on the extended class. As a consequence extension calls dispatch statically. Thus unlike a virtual method call an extension call is always made based on the compile-time type of the receiver.

Another consequence of static dispatching is that an extension method can receive a call even if the value of the extended object is null at the call site. Manifold extension libraries exploit this feature to improve readability and null-safety. For example, CharSequence.isNullOrEmpty() compares the receiver’s value to null so you don’t have to:

public static boolean isNullOrEmpty(@This CharSequence thiz) {
  return thiz == null || thiz.length() == 0;

String name = null;
if (name.isNullOrEmpty()) {

Here the example doesn’t check for null and instead shifts the burden to the extension.

Accessibility and scope

An extension method never shadows or overrides a class method; when an extension method’s name and parameters match a class method, the class method always has precedence over the extension. For example:

public class Tree {
  public void kind() {

public static void kind(@This Tree thiz) {

The extension method never wins, a call to kind() always prints "evergreen". Additionally, if at compile-time Tree and the extension conflict as in the example, the compiler warns of the conflict in the extension class.

An extension method can still _overload_ a class method where the method names are the same, but the parameter types are different:

public class Tree {
  public void harvest() {

public static void harvest(@This Tree thiz, boolean all) {
  println(all ? "wood" : thiz.harvest());

A call to tree.harvest(true) prints “wood”.

Extension libraries

An extension library is a logical grouping of functionality defined by a set of extension classes. Manifold includes several extension libraries for commonly used classes, many of which are adapted from Kotlin extensions. Each library is available as a separate module or Jar file you can add to your project separately depending on your needs.


Defined in module `manifold-collections` this library extends:

  • java.lang.Iterable
  • java.util.Collection
  • java.util.List


Defined in module `manifold-text` this library extends:

  • java.lang.CharSequence
  • java.lang.String


Defined in module `manifold-io` this library extends:



Defined in module `manifold-json` this library extends:

  • javax.script.Bindings


Extension methods offer a powerful alternative to Util libraries. The feature is widely supported in modern languages including C#, Scala, and Kotlin. Now with Manifold you can use extension methods with Java. Use it to boost developer productivity with APIs and to benefit from Manifold’s built-in extension libraries on common classes. The easiest and best way to begin using extension methods and other Manifold features is via the Manifold plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.

More to come:
Later in the series, I’ll cover Structural Typing, a powerful abstraction similar to interfaces in TypeScript and Go. Combined with extension classes, structural typing makes possible several exciting features including Extension Interfaces and Implementation by Extension.

The post Manifold: The reinvention of code generators appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter