It’s 2019, and massive changes are afoot.
We now know what black holes look like (a cosmic pixelated donut), Wikileaks founder Julian Assange got arrested after like a decade on the run, and everyone will finally find out who ends up on the Iron Throne after seven seasons of gory, bloody, juicy betrayal (here’s one guess).
In the midst of all these shifts, however, certain things remain rock-solid constants. Like, if you’re looking to dive into a career with ample openings and generous pay, then you’ll want to learn how to code.
An open secret: turnover is highest amongst programming roles at tech companies. Why? Job mobility, y’all! Programmers command six-figure salaries on the regular, even for many entry-level roles — which means it’s easier for them to hop to another better, higher paying job. Read more…
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Source : Learn to code with this comprehensive (and cheap) online course