John Cleese reacts to Mark Hamill GIF, gets a reply from the Jedi himself

  • March 27, 2019


Anyone who follows Mark Hamill on Twitter (and if you don’t, you really should), will know that he’s a big John Cleese fan.

Everyone’s favourite Jedi isn’t shy about it.

SEE ALSO: Mark Hamill hints at a possible Luke Skywalker appearance in the next ‘Star Wars’ movie

Exhibit A: A response he wrote to someone back in 2018, describing the Fawlty Towers star as “a comic idol”.

Cleese is a comic idol of mine. (I’m watching Fawlty Towers as I write this.) 😂

— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) March 28, 2018

We don’t know if the pair have ever met IRL, but — on Tuesday — Cleese was introduced to Hamill on Twitter — in GIF form. Read more…

More about Mark Hamill, John Cleese, Culture, and Celebrities

Source : John Cleese reacts to Mark Hamill GIF, gets a reply from the Jedi himself