Of course, it would end up getting confusing if the Java EE Guardians were still the ones contributing to and caring about Jakarta EE, so it makes perfect sense that they would have to update their branding to match. That’s why the Java EE Guardians are now called the Jakarta EE Ambassadors.

Source: Jakarta EE Ambassadors
The change from Guardians to Ambassadors is a very clear way to communicate a maturing and perhaps more nurturing approach to the community’s role in Jakarta EE; they are no longer just defending Java EE, but will be representing, communicating and participating in the platform’s ongoing history. Considered in this light, the new brand gives a more positive outlook and suggests a greater agency and degree of participation than previously. Indeed, Jakarta EE Ambassador and Java Champion Kito Mann told us, “over the years, Java EE has included many powerful key standards, and the Java EE Guardians were created to ensure that these standards survive. Now that the transition of Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation is complete, and Jakarta EE is out in the wild, it’s important that we rebrand as the Jakarta EE Ambassadors in order to make our intention clear: promote and lead efforts to ensure these standards continue to evolve and thrive.”
To mark the occasion we reached out to the Eclipse Foundation for comment. Executive Director Mike Milinkovich said, “we very much appreciate the support and trust shown by the Java EE Guardians by their recent rebrand to Jakarta EE Ambassadors. On behalf of both the Eclipse Foundation and the Jakarta EE Working Group, we look forward to working with them as one of the major community groups interested in the future of cloud native Java. Many members of the Jakarta EE Guardians are active participants in our open projects, and are investing their time in helping drive this important technology platform forward in 2020 and beyond.”
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We also heard from Tanja Obradovic, Jakarta EE Program Manager at the Eclipse Foundation, who said, “with Oracle’s contribution of the Java EE to open source and the subsequent rebranding to Jakarta EE, we at the Eclipse Foundation and the whole community are thrilled that Java EE Guardians have followed suite and done their own rebranding to Jakarta EE Ambassadors. On a personal level, I want to thank the Jakarta EE Ambassadors for their contributions to the advancement of Jakarta EE. I look forward to collaborating with them to drive the success and growth of the Jakarta EE community.”

Source: Jakarta EE Ambassadors
Some of the community also reached out to us offering their perspective. Reza Rahman, Principal Program Manager of Java on Azure at Microsoft and Jakarta EE Ambassador said of the rebrand:
“The transfer of Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation as Jakarta EE is now complete. This is an unprecedented step in the history of Java and something that a few years ago would have been considered a pipe dream. This is absolutely the right moment for the Java EE Guardians to rebrand ourselves to the Jakarta EE Ambassadors and signal our unequivocal support. There are still significant challenges ahead. The Jakarta EE Ambassadors and the broader community should help overcome those challenges on behalf of Java developers as a strong, unified ecosystem working towards common goals”
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Java Champion and Jakarta EE Ambassador Josh Juneau told us, “the open sourcing of Java EE marked a new chapter for Java in the cloud and in the enterprise. Jakarta EE is the future of cloud native Java, and it aims to provide low barriers to participation, as it is a platform led by the community. This is why it was important for the Java EE Guardians to rebrand as the Jakarta EE Ambassadors. We are the community, and it is our duty to advocate, develop, and help move the platform into the future. The rebranding very appropriately tells the story of our group, as we aim to help the Jakarta EE platform progress forward, and to help lead the community efforts.”
Visit the Jakarta EE Ambassadors’ website to learn more about the Enterprise Java community and what they’re up to, or alternatively check out the blog post in which they announce that the rebranding is complete. If you’re really curious about the discussions that took place during the rebrand, you can take a look at the discussion in Google Groups.
The post Java EE Guardians become Jakarta EE Ambassadors appeared first on JAXenter.
Source : JAXenter