Besides asking for permanent bans of the most vile Twitter users, the single most requested thing every user wants is the ability to edit tweets.
I want it. You probably want it, especially if you have ever sent a tweet with an embarrassing typo (remember covfefe?) only to have to leave it as is or delete it. And Kim Kardashian really freaking wants to be able to edit tweets.
Yet, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey continues to string us all along with the idea that such a feature may someday appear without giving any valid reasons for why it hasn’t happened already.
It’s one thing if Dorsey was seriously considering adding the ability to edit tweets, but he’s only been thinking about it for at least at least two years. Two years is a long freaking time to sit around and ponder a feature that so clearly would receive thunderous applause from all sides. Read more…
More about Twitter, Jack Dorsey, Tweet, Edit Tweets, and Tech