International JavaScript Conference 2019: Early bird special ends July 11


In October 2019, JavaScript experts and developers are meeting in Munich for the International JavaScript Conference.

From October 21 – 25, 2019 JS over 60 experts from around the world will share their knowledge during in-depth seminars and workshops. Two full day power workshops provide experience with live coding and direct applications of new ideas. Attendees will experience networking opportunities and learn about JS frameworks such as Angular, React, Node.js, Vue.js, and more.

Tip: International JavaScript Conference’s early bird discount offers savings up to 720 €. Early bird registration ends on July 11. Buy a 3-Day pass until July 11 and get the Fullstack Day for free. Ticket purchases for three or more colleagues receive an additional 10% discount. Freelancers and employees of scientific institutions also benefit from special offers.
For more information visit:

Conference tracks

There are five tracks available for attendees to explore:


Originally intended as the front-end web application framework for single-page applications, Google’s Angular manages to become one of today’s most important (JavaScript) frameworks. Angular 1 – formerly known as AngularJS – is attracting developers from a wide variety of languages, from Java to .NET to “classical” web developers. The reason for its success can be found in its principles, its usage of declarative programming, and its explicit de-emphasizing of DOM manipulation in promotion for performance and better testability. With Angular, it’s possible to develop bulletproof module-based enterprise web applications while keeping well-known desktop-like paradigms in mind.

SEE ALSO: Take your JavaScript learning beyond the classroom with these fun tools!


Although many of the Node.js modules are written in JavaScript, Node.js is not a JavaScript framework but a cross-platform runtime environment for JavaScript applications, based on Google’s V8 engine. Its event-driven architecture, which is capable of asynchronous I/O, makes it the perfect choice for highly scalable real-time web applications – in the front-end as well as on the server. In combination with the JavaScript package manager npm Node.js quickly became one of the most important JavaScript environments and can be seen as one of the drivers for JavaScript’s acceptance in- and outside the classical web development world. Well-known experts share their knowledge in the Node.js track, beginning with the very basics like creating web servers and networking tools as well as highly-sophisticated topics like optimizing Node.js applications for heavy workloads.


React is Facebook’s JavaScript library for building highly performant user interfaces, which was highly influenced by XHP. Two of the most important features are the virtual DOM, which boosts the performance by rendering only the actually changed subcomponents, and the usage of the JavaScript extension syntax JSX. The focus of React is the View – the “V” in a classical MVC architecture, especially when it comes to displaying large data sets. Although it may require some work, it can be combined with almost every framework available. Another highlight is the Redux library, which is a representation of the flux architecture. The React track covers the most wanted topics of the React universe, covering basic concepts, unidirectional data flows, immutability, as well as server-side rendering in polymorphic apps, and the usage of Redux.


Vue.js is one of the top 3 JavaScript Frameworks alongside Angular and React, as many reports show. Either in terms of stars on GitHub or the number of developers who still want to learn it, Vue comes in first. But what is it that makes this framework so popular? Vue.js has a high level of community involvement but that‘s not all. Vue’s creator, Evan You, once said he intended to take the best parts of Angular and put them into something smaller and easier to manage. That is why he created Vue.js. More than five years later, Vue.js isn’t that young and small anymore – a large ecosystem has developed around it with numerous tools that can be used to create both small and large scale apps. Vue describes itself as a progressive JavaScript framework and it is all about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, promising developers an easy adoption path. The Vue.js track includes beginner-friendly sessions as well as topics that provide insights into more elaborate applications of the framework, making this track ideal for experts and Vue newcomers alike. Still not sure if Vue is right for you? Take a look at our sessions and learn more about Vue.js, Vuex, migration paths to Vue and more.

SEE ALSO: Keep your JavaScript command-line tools neat and clean with Notion

Web development & Architecture

There are lots of interesting aspects in Web Development. For example, architecture, and of course, DevOps: the collaboration between software developers and the IT operations team through the entire service lifecycle. The goal is to provide resilient and sustainable systems in a world of shorter delivery cycles, high-quality deliveries, and faster changes of functionality by making use of container and cloud technologies as well as microservices. The Web Development & Architecture Track gives answers to all sorts of questions – even those you might not even have thought of. You will learn how to choose the right framework for your concerns, and gain deep insights in security, testing, performance – server-side as well as regarding your applications –, hardened DevOps Toolchains, and even SEO.

View the conference program.

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Source : JAXenter