A fear of flying can put a real damper on your travel plans. If being crammed in a tiny plane makes you feel claustrophobic, out of control, and anxious, here’s how to deal with it so you can take the trip of your dreams.
People shudder at the thought of stepping onto a plane for many reasons. They may have a fear of heights, or simply hate being smooshed between strangers for hours on end. Other typical fears include the plane malfunctioning or crashing, terrorist hijackings, and ultimately not being in control. Even though the statistics show that flying in a plane is way safer than driving in a car, it’s hard to shake these fears with logic alone.
Here are some common steps to help you work through this anxiety.
Talk to a Professional
We suggest starting here, even with mild cases of flight anxiety. Talking through your fears with an unbiased professional can help you get in touch with the root of your anxiety.
Is it the tight, cramped space? The lack of fresh air? Or all the what-ifs?
Either way, knowing what your specific fears are means you can move forward with more knowledge.
Some popular options for addressing your fear of flying include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, and neurofeedback (also known as EEG biofeedback). Some people even try hypnosis, though we’d recommend well-established methods like CBT first.
If you can’t afford therapy, consider recruiting a friend to sit with you and listen as you talk through all your fears. Make sure they act as a soundboard, letting you process it all without offering concrete suggestions.
You can also do a free, online, self-help program to overcome your fear of flying at Anxieties.com.
Learn About Planes
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Source : How to Overcome Your Fear of Flying