If you want to hide spelling and grammar errors in a specific Word document without all of your other documents being affected by the setting change, then you’re in luck. Microsoft Word, unsurprisingly, has a way to do this.
You might be wondering why you’d want to turn off spellcheck for a specific document in the first place. There is any number of reasons. Perhaps you like leaving the feature on in most documents but have one where it distracts you. Or, perhaps you’ve got a boilerplate where you use filler words (like Word’s Lorem Ipsum feature). Or, maybe you want to test yourself and see how many mistakes you make. Whatever the reason, you can do it in a few simple steps.
Hiding Document-Specific Spelling and Grammar Mistakes
With your document open, switch to the “File” tab.
Next, select “Options” from the bottom of the left-hand pane.
The “Word Options” window will now appear. Here, select the “Proofing” tab.
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Source : How to Hide Spelling and Grammar Errors in a Specific Word Document