How recording myself crying helped me be kinder to myself

  • September 25, 2019


It’s tough to practice real self-care when the internet’s obsessed with #self-care. Let Mashable help with our new series Me, My Self-Care & I.

Lily Tomlin saved me. 

Well, not really her but the character she plays on my all-time favorite Netflix show, Grace and Frankie. And not really her character so much as something she did — something personal, offbeat, radical, and in my case salvational.

First, a little background. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been trying to fix myself. Fix in what sense? Hard to say. Like most people, I’ve felt different my entire life, often unpleasantly so. This sense of “otherness” has at times brought shame, isolation, and despair. Read more…

More about Self Care, Grace Frankie, Me My Self Care I, Culture, and Health

Source : How recording myself crying helped me be kinder to myself