Before my entire FYP caught COVID, there were some pretty gorgeous trends going viral on TikTok this week. If that makes no sense to you, then you’re in the right place.
Before things get so bad that I want to give them a zero, let’s get into this week’s biggest TikTok trends.
It is so bad
It’s only fitting that in this Omicron-filled week the audio “it is so bad I want to give you a zero, but that’s not possible, so I give you a one” was omnipresent across the platform. This audio was pulled from an episode of America’s Next Top Model in which supermodel Tyra Banks is rating Cycle 21 contestant Lenox Tillman’s spider-themed shoot. The original episode aired in 2014, but the snippet is experiencing a second life on TikTok.
The America’s Next Top Model clip was first posted on TikTok on Oct. 9, and over 350,000 videos have been made to the sound since. TikTok users are using the audio — and its dramatic background music — to showcase particularly cringey outfits or regretful life decisions. The trend has TikTokkers mouthing along to the audio before revealing an embarrassing photo.
For example, @tierneylcrieghton posted a video with the text, “When there were bomb threats in hs and my first thought was to dm Harry Styles on Twitter.” At the end of the video the long Twitter DM to Harry Styles is bared in all its glory. Another masterpiece is @shakursw0rld’s TikTok that reads, “me to my self awareness when taking a picture at the 9/11 memorial.” The end of the video shows @shakursw0rld dabbing in front of the 9/11 memorial. Um. Yikes!

Tillman even got in on the trend by posting the original clip and also making a few follow-up videos that show what went down before the viral moment happened.
TikTokkers have no shame and absolutely love to share embarrassing stories and past fashion disasters, so it’s unsurprising that this trend has taken off.
Gorgeous, gorgeous girls
You’re probably familiar with the original “gorgeous, gorgeous girls” audio: “Gorgeous, gorgeous girls love soup. Soup girls are the most popular girls in the chicken coup.” It was first posted by @fishdress on Aug. 23 and has inspired more than 13,000 videos. The “gorgeousgorgeousgirls” tag has accumulated over 14 million views.
Gorgeous, gorgeous girls is one of those TikTok phrases that made its way into the vernacular of the internet and then, via osmosis, entered our regular speaking. Prepare for gorgeous, gorgeous girls to be the next bestie.
Lately, people have been making all kinds of audios inspired by the gorgeous, gorgeous girls phenomenon, and I’m loving it. One example is @sandysgigitaldiary’s video of her putting on sunscreen. In the video, she says “gorgeous, gorgeous girls wear sunscreen everyday. Gorgeous, gorgeous girls always slay.” Another TikTok made to this trend is @imansamone’s video of her putting on blush. She says, “gorgeous, gorgeous girls always over blush. Gorgeous, gorgeous girls are always in a rush.” These TikToks are basically poetry!

Credit: TikTok / imansamone
This is similar to other internet trends like the feminine urge and the hot girl meme, in which TikTok users repackaged normal behavior as “hot girl shit” to Megan Thee Stallion’s “Girls in the Hood.” And I think we can agree that gorgeous, gorgeous girls, the feminine urge, and hot girl shit all have a common ancestor: just girly things. Say thank you to just girly things.
PLEASE stop asking for…
Just a week away from the day itself, and we finally have our first Christmas trend — and it’s super goofy. The trend is set to “Jingle Bell Rock” and shows TikTok users crawling on the ground pretending they’re being dragged away to be someone’s present.
Each video includes a specific caption, like @makingemi, who writes, “guys PLEASE stop asking santa for a super jacked lesbian cowboy with an unlimited stash of dad jokes for christmas.” Another example of this trend shows a cat and reads, “Guys PLEASE stop asking Santa for a nocturnal red head with anxiety who tries to eat plastic and only likes two people.”

Credit: TikTok / makingemi
The same audio is being used for a handful of other holiday trends like “my very unrealistic Christmas list” and gift ideas, but none of those are as fun as this one.
Omicron infects TikTok
It wouldn’t be a weekly roundup of TikTok trends if I didn’t mention all the videos documenting waiting in line to get tested for COVID, getting test results back, and just generally reacting to living with Omicron.
In one video, @christaguz shows the line of an urgent care at 7 a.m. on a Wednesday morning in Brooklyn. Another clip posted by @demilovato666 documents a friend group doing at-home COVID tests. The video is set to a sped up version of “Anaconda” by Nicki Minaj, which perfectly captures the anxiety of a new COVID outbreak.
Stay safe out there!
Related Video: TikTok doctors debunk the most viral COVID vaccine myths