Google would like you to know that Pixel 3’s Night Sight camera mode — the one that takes very bright photos in low-light conditions — is vastly better than anything the iPhone XS can muster.
Marvin Chow, a Product Marketing VP at Google, tweeted on Sunday an ad that compares a photo of the same night scene taken by the iPhone XS (which, for some reason, Google dubs “Phone X;” the actual model used is shared in the fine print below) and the Pixel 3.
Night Sight on Google Pixel3 — pretty much speaks for itself 💥 #teampixel pic.twitter.com/ao0Yi2W2Sq
— marvin chow (@theREALmarvin) January 27, 2019 Read more…
More about Google, Night Sight, Pixel 3, Tech, and Smartphones
Source : Google takes a not-so-subtle dig at the iPhone XS camera