Facebook engineer resigns in protest of Zuckerberg’s bankrupt morality


While actions speak louder than words, sometimes a walkout just doesn’t cut it. 

At least two Facebook employees have apparently come to that conclusion, straight up resigning instead of joining their colleagues in a company-wide protest Monday. At issue was CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s defense of Donald Trump’s Facebook post threatening protesters with death. That, it seems, was finally a bridge too far. 

Timothy Aveni, who, according to his LinkedIn profile, has been a software engineer at Facebook since June of 2019, shared his motivation for quitting on both LinkedIn and Facebook. 

“I cannot stand by Facebook’s continued refusal to act on the president’s bigoted messages aimed at radicalizing the American public,” he wrote Monday on LinkedIn. “I’m scared for my country, and I’m watching my company do nothing to challenge the increasingly dangerous status quo.” Read more…

More about Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Donald Trump, Tech, and Big Tech Companies

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Facebook engineer resigns in protest of Zuckerberg’s bankrupt morality