Mark your calendars: Modern Warfare returns this October.
After months of speculation (and a handful of leaks), Activision’s plans for the 2019 Call of Duty game are now locked. Scheduled for an Oct. 25 release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is set to take fans back to the start of one of the franchise’s most iconic trilogies, reimagining its inspiration from the ground up.
Prior to announcement, Mashable visited developer Infinity Ward’s headquarters in Woodland Hills, California to get a sneak peek at the work-in-progress. Direct from our ears to your eyes (or as close to that as we could feasibly get), here’s everything we’ve been told about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare so far. Read more…
More about Announcement, Call Of Duty, Activision, Infinity Ward, and Call Of Duty Modern Warfare