Love ’em or hate ’em, electric scooters are now allowed in New York — which means the two-wheeled vehicles could soon be scooting through New York City.
The New York State Senate passed a bill Wednesday to pull back restrictions for electric-assisted bicycles and e-scooters. Scooter-share companies like Bird, Lime, Spin, Uber, Lyft, and many others haven’t been able to operate in New York City and other parts of the state, while the scooter craze has run rampant for the past year (and longer) throughout the country and abroad.
#NYSenate Bill S5294A, sponsored by Senator @jessicaramos, passed 56-5 (unofficial). Relates to bicycles with electronic assist and electric scooters: https://t.co/krspM5QVjv
— New York Senate (@NYSenate) June 19, 2019 Read more…
More about Nyc, E Scooters, E Bikes, Tech, and Transportation
Source : E-scooters get thumbs-up to scoot on most NYC streets