Dumbo‘s problem isn’t really that the animal is too cute. But that’s part of it.
For starters, it undermines the initial premise of the movie, which is that Dumbo would be ostracized by humans as a hideous freak instead of worshipped as the most adorable creature ever to exist. And at a circus, no less — a place people go specifically to see things that are weird in a fun way.
SEE ALSO: New ‘Dumbo’ trailer has more of Danny DeVito being himself
The larger issue, though, is that Dumbo’s adorableness floods the movie with sentiment that feels largely unearned.
It is impossible not to feel moved when Dumbo whimpers for his mother or snuggles up to his favorite humans. In the context of a movie that does little else to elicit genuine emotional response, however, it’s also difficult not to notice how calculated these moments feel. Read more…
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