Don’t make it a race: The four common concurrency control patterns

  • June 21, 2019

Developers have a tendency to focus on low-level implementations to handle concurrency, locks, lock-free algorithms, compare-and-set etc.

But you shouldn’t jump into any implementation without first deciding which high-level concurrency control pattern is right for the problem.

To help you make the right decision, Jack Shirazi covers the four common concurrency control patterns that let you safely update shared mutable state: pessimistic locking, optimistic transactions, queue to a single thread, and partitioning the data.


Jack Shirazi works in the Performance and Reliability team at He is the founder of and author of Java Performance Tuning (O’Reilly), and has been an official Java Champion since 2005. Jack has worked at all levels and all stages of IT projects in several industries including with real-time, low latency and highly scaled applications. As well as authoring his popular book and contributing to several other books, Jack has published over 60 articles on Java performance for various sites and magazines; and has published over 200 newsletters for over 15 years, and with these newsletters published around 10,000 Java performance and memory related tips.



The post Don’t make it a race: The four common concurrency control patterns appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter