Devs@Home webinar live on tuesday, June 9, at 13:00 CET: Building a multiplayer version of Space Invaders


The times of strict regulations on social distancing due to the pandemic are over in some places, but some concepts from that time have proven their worth: Devs@Home continues! In loose succession we present TechTalks to you, that you can follow live and for free from everywhere. Know-how from experts for experts, directly in your (home) office!

Tuesday, June 9, 1pm CET: Building a multiplayer version of Space Invaders

Webinar with Srushtika Neelakantam

“Do you play games?”…. Duh!
“Ever thought of building one yourself?”…Yes, but, umm…

Games innately seem difficult to build. With lots of moving pieces involved (quite literally), game development seems like it’s restricted to devs who’ve immersed their feet deep into the holy waters of networking, mathematics, graphics, and the like. However, with the web evolving ever so rapidly and with all the new protocols and libraries that have spanned in recent years, it’s now super simple to get started with building browser-based multiplayer games.

In this talk, we’ll understand the core elements of a multiplayer web-based game, including game design and architecture. We’ll also understand how these concepts are implemented to build a multiplayer version of Space Invaders, and of course, play that game together too!

The webinar will take place on the BigMarker platform and is freely open to all. Join us by clicking the following link:

Devs@Home Live Session June 9, 13:00 CET: Building a multiplayer version of Space Invaders 

The Speaker: Srushtika Neelakantam

Srushtika Neelakantam is a Developer Advocate for Ably Realtime. She is a passionate tech advocate, with a keen interest in real-time and web technologies. She loves spending time fiddling around with tech and then simplifying that for others by speaking or writing about it. She is a co-author of “Learning Web-Based Virtual Reality” and supports the open web by volunteering with Mozilla’s Tech Speaker and Reps programs.


Due to the coronavirus, social events all over the world have been restricted and office work has largely shifted to the home.

So if the majority of us are now spending time working from home, it just makes sense that we should want to network more closely. Several IT experts who are usually to be found at one of our conferences were enthusiastic about the idea of holding their talks from home and sharing them with others in their homes via live stream.

Tech talks from your desk

Devs@Home aims to provide live talks twice a week on topics like Java, TypeScript, DevOps, microservices, machine learning, etc. Afterwards you will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with the experts.

The post Devs@Home webinar live on tuesday, June 9, at 13:00 CET: Building a multiplayer version of Space Invaders appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter